Committee Meeting: 4th September 2017 at 7 for 7.30PM in the Abraham Dixon Hall in the LETHERHEAD INSTITUTE



Are there any questions to come under AOB?

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of meeting held on 7th August 2017
  3. Matters arising
  4. Chairman’s Report (Caroline Brown) – Epsom Hospital, the Royal Oak and the latest Police report.
  5. Reports from committees
  6. Planning (Fran Smith)
  7. Forward Planning (Martyn Williams)
  8. Our Speaker:  Councillor Simon Edge, who represents Bookham South, but who is also on the Mole Valley Executive Committee for the Economy and for Transform Leatherhead.
  1. AOB
  2. Date of next meeting: Monday 2nd October 2017

Arrive by 7.15 if you would like to speak to the Chairman

about any issues

Open Meeting: Monday 7th August 2017 at 7.30PM at the LETHERHEAD INSTITUTE, Room G6


Are there any questions to come under AOB?

  1. Apologies for absence
  1. Minutes of meeting held on 3rd July 2017
  1. Matters arising from meeting not covered elsewhere on the Agenda
  1. Chairman’s Report (CB) : Future MV and survey;  Re-cycling centres;  Verge cutting; Swan Centre;  Parking;  Police Reports;  Epsom and St. Helier Hospitals;   Titan Developments
  1. Reports from sub-committees
  1. Environment (CA)
  2. Forward Planning (MW)
  3. Health (HP)
  4. Highways (HC)
  5. Membership
  6. Planning (FS)
  7. Newsletter
  1. Ashtead & Leatherhead Local – please think about what YOU could write!
  1. AOB
  1. Date of next meeting: Monday 4th September 2017

Arrive by 7.15 if you would like to speak to the Chairman

about any issues

Threat to Axe all Evening Trains Direct to London Bridge from Mole Valley

Govia trains, which includes Southern, have now opened its second and final consultation phase for its proposed timetable for beyond Dec 2018, which will be the first time travellers can enjoy the benefits of the major rail investment, including the seven year project to rebuild London Bridge.
There are some useful improvements, such as an earlier first Victoria train and a second morning peak to London Bridge.
Epsom residents should be very pleased as they will see an enhanced and improved service, with new, twice hourly trains direct to London Bridge. Southern note that this “in response to strong stakeholder representation…..We expect these [routes] to be very busy”.
However, it is a different story for commuters in Mole Valley who will see a significant diminution in the evening peak from London Bridge with the axing of almost all direct trains.
Currently, from 1800, there are three direct train services departing from London Bridge for Mole Valley (1803, 1832 and 1929). These trains call at Ashtead, Leatherhead and either Dorking or Guildford.  These trains are very busy, yet they have all been axed.  In future, a re-timed service will go as far as only Epsom. This can’t be a capacity issue at London Bridge so why are they being abolished?
This is clearly a retrograde and divisive step.  Mole Valley residents are having one of their three arterial routes downgraded whilst Epsom residents see theirs improved.  We have all put up with the disruption while the London Bridge project has been underway, now we should all be sharing in the benefits.
The proposed changes will cause significant inconvenience and extend journey times to many hundreds of Mole Valley commuters. Commuting to London is already a long ordeal, please don’t allow Govia/Southern to make it even harder for us especially as this is being billed as an improvement.
The good news is that is still time for ARA and all of us to make strong and immediate representations to Govia/Southern not to axe the three directs trains in its proposed timetable, but we need to be quick. Their consultation window only opened 26 June and closes 27 July 2017. This consultation is for “fine tuning” so please let Southern know that Mole Valley commuters value and want to save their evening peak trains.
Comments can be submitted to
Please do respond or else we will certainly lose the route.
Above is a summary and links to supporting documentation are below.

Committee Meeting: Monday 3rd July 2017 at 7.30pm at The Letherhead Institute


Apologies for absence

  1. Minutes of meeting held on 8th May 2017
  1. Matters arising
  1. Chairman’s Report (CB) Local Plan; scrutiny committee decisions re Swan Centre and Claire & James House; Surrey recycling centres; survey re some aspects of Transform Leatherhead
  1. Reports from Committees
  2. Planning (FS)
  3. Forward Planning (MW)
  4. Environment (CA)
  5. Membership (PS)
  6. Health (HP)
  7. Highways (HC)
  8. Newsletter
  1. Ashtead & Leatherhead Local
  1. AOB
  1. DATES:  Duck Race, Sunday 2nd July; Open Gardens, Sunday 9th July;

Next LRA meeting will be held on Monday 7TH August

Agenda Open Meeting 8 May 2017

     1.    Apologies for absence

2.    Minutes of meeting held on 7th March 2017
3.    Matters arising from the meeting not covered elsewhere on the Agenda
4.    Chairman’s Report (CB) Local Plan outlook; BLeAF and MV meeting reports; Newsletter progress; new Website status; new membership drive ideas; reaction to CB letter to Advertiser re parking in the High Street
5.    Reports from Committees
a.    Planning (FS)
b.    Forward Planning (MW)
c.    Environment (CA)
d.    Membership (PS)
e.    Health (HP)
f.     Highways (HC)
g.    Newsletter
6.    Ashtead & Leatherhead Local  
7.    AOB
8.    DATES:  Next meeting will be held on Monday 3rdJuly (no June meeting) Open Gardens, Sunday 9th July


Notice of Annual General Meeting 3rd April 2017

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the Letherhead Institute, 67 High Street, Leatherhead on Monday 3rd April 2017, commencing at 730pm.
·                Apologies for Absence
·                Approval of the Minutes of the previous AGM, 4th April 2016
·                Matters Arising
·                Chairman’sReport
·                Ratification of the appointment as Directors of Messrs. Allen, Herrity, Sabine, Smith and                Williams.
·                Any other business
Documents relevant to the AGM, including the Chairman’s Report, the Report and Accounts for 2016 and a Proxy Form can all be found links on this notice or, in hard copy, at the Leatherhead Library in Mansion House on Church Street and in the library of the Letherhead Institute at the top of the High Street from 17thMarch.    If you are unable to access the documents by these means, please contact us and we will take action to ensure you are furnished with the information.
If you are unable to attend the Meeting and would like to appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf at the Meeting, please note that the Proxy form must be lodged with the Company Secretary before the start of the meeting.
Following the formal proceedings, we will have two speakers:  Jack Straw, Corporate Head of Service at Mole Valley District Council, who will speak on the formulation of the new Local Plan, and Lucy Quinnell who will speak on how we can achieve a “Litterless Leatherhead.”
We hope you will decide to attend and look forward to seeing you at the AGM on Monday, 3rdApril at 7.30.
Yours faithfully,
Caroline Brown
Chairman, For and on behalf of Leatherhead Residents’ Association CLG
P.S. If you have had this delivered to your door, it is because we have no (valid) email address for you.   If you could supply one, we would be most grateful.

 Contact via website  Registered Office: Oaklands, 54 Randalls Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 0AD 

A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales number 10248803 


AGENDA for LRA Meeting 6th February 2017

            Are there any questions to come under AOB?
1.    Introductions
2.    Apologies for absence
3.    Minutes of meeting held on 9th January 2017
4.    Matters arising from the meeting not covered elsewhere on the Agenda: Tesco’s “bags of help” initiative.
5.    Chairman’s Report (CB)
AGM speaker confirmed as Jack Straw on Local Plan
Consultation on SCC street light blackout cost cutting;
Community Housing Fund; 
Bus route 465 streamlining/cost cutting;
Website update;
Thanks for offers to help, highlighted by A&LL article
6.  Reports from sub-committees
Environment (CA) –  Spring clean 4th March; Open Gardens 9/7; Flooding
Forward Planning (MW) Sustainable development
Health (HP) Epsom & St Helier Hospital plans
Highways (HC) Farthings & Cycle Plan update
Membership (PS) Update on renewals
Planning (FS)   Farthings + QE2 impact on North Leatherhead
6.    Ashtead & Leatherhead Local   Article on the River Mole Action Group
7.  AOB
8.  Next meeting, Monday 6th March 2017, will be Committee members only; AGM will be held on 3rd April in Abraham Dixon Hall
If members have any problems they wish the Committee to discuss, please contact the Chairman (See “Contact” on the website) or in person at The Institute at 7.15pm before the Committee starts its meeting at 7.30pm

            COMMITTEE MEETING TO BE HELD ON MONDAY 9th January 2017
            Are there any questions to come under AOB?

1.    Introductions of Committee Members
2.    Apologies for absence 
3.    Minutes of meeting held on 7th November 2016
4.    Matters arising from the meeting not covered elsewhere on the Agenda 
5.    Chairman’s Report (CB)
6.    Reports from sub-committees
a.    Environment (CA)
b.    Forward Planning (MW) 
c.    Health (HP)
d.    Highways (HC)  
e.    Membership (PS)
f.     Planning (FS)
g.    Newsletter (CA + JWW 
7.    Ashtead & Leatherhead Local
8.    AOB – The Post-Holiday Social will take place following the meetin 
9.    Date of next meeting: Monday 6th February 2017

If members have any problems they wish the Committee to discuss, please contact the Chairman (See “Contact” on the website) or in person at The Institute at 7.15pm before the Committee starts its meeting at 7.30pm

Reminder for LRA Christmas Lunch 22 December

 Dear LRA Member, Prospective Member or Friend
In case you’re thinking about attending our Christmas lunch, here’s the menu to tempt you to do just that. Send your food choices and a £5 deposit (cheques made out to Rialto) to Susan Leveritt, 54 Randalls Road, Leatherhead KT22 0AD – or the Institute Letter Box. There are 17 of us so far, and we’d love you to join us!
                                       Seasons Greetings from LRA Chairman  Caroline Brown
Christmas Lunch Menu from
 Rialto Lounge, 24 High Street Leatherhead KT22 8AN
Ginger & Pumpkin Soup (V)
 Softly baked pumpkin soup with ginger, crunchy pumpkin seeds & croutons  
Wintery Christmas Salad (V)
 Organic baby rocket, pomegranate, walnuts, parmesan & balsamic dressing 
Smoked Salmon Bruschetta
Smoked Salmon with crème fraiche, dill & capers served on toasted bread
 Lamb Meatballs  
 Mini Lamb Meatballs in spicy tomato sauce served with garlic toast
Braised Scottish Beef with red wine, shallots & wild mushroom sauce
served with roast potatoes & winter vegetables
Salmon Fillet wrapped in smoked streaky bacon
with cranberry chutney, roast potatoes & wintervegetables
 Turkey Fillet with sage & onion stuffing in white wine gravy,
served with pigs in blankets, roast potatoes & winter vegetables  
Butternut Squash, grilled halloumi & rosemary risotto (V) 

                                                 Panettone Tiramisu
Two Scoops of Gelato
Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce
Stilton with fig chutney & crackers
 V– vegetarian  
Two Courses £17.50, Three Courses £20.00 (special prices)
£5 per person deposit due upon booking

All prices are inclusive of VAT. An optional 10% service charge will be added your total bill