Open Meeting: Monday 7th August 2017 at 7.30PM at the LETHERHEAD INSTITUTE, Room G6


Are there any questions to come under AOB?

  1. Apologies for absence
  1. Minutes of meeting held on 3rd July 2017
  1. Matters arising from meeting not covered elsewhere on the Agenda
  1. Chairman’s Report (CB) : Future MV and survey;  Re-cycling centres;  Verge cutting; Swan Centre;  Parking;  Police Reports;  Epsom and St. Helier Hospitals;   Titan Developments
  1. Reports from sub-committees
  1. Environment (CA)
  2. Forward Planning (MW)
  3. Health (HP)
  4. Highways (HC)
  5. Membership
  6. Planning (FS)
  7. Newsletter
  1. Ashtead & Leatherhead Local – please think about what YOU could write!
  1. AOB
  1. Date of next meeting: Monday 4th September 2017

Arrive by 7.15 if you would like to speak to the Chairman

about any issues

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