Agenda for 20th August 2018

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th June 2018
  3. Matters arising not listed elsewhere
  4. Chairman’s report – given by our Vice-Chair, Hubert Carr.
  5. Other reports:
  • Forward Planning by Martyn Williams
  • High Street Business petition by Susan Leveritt
  • Planning Applications (if any) by Fran Smith
  • The push for a Police presence in town by Tony Russell
  • Report from the meeting of the Epsom and St. Helier Hospital Trust*
  1. Publicity:  The Ashtead and Leatherhead Local, members are urged to write something about issues that they care about.    We are also anxious to receive articles for our Newletter which will be assembled in October.
  2. AOB and Dates for diaries:  We are still looking for a kind person to take the Minutes of two of our meetings each year.   Email ability essential but nothing more.   Other people will do the other meetings and other tasks.
  3. Date of next meeting:  Monday, 1st October in G6

*A helpful booklet outlining the pros and cons being faced by the Trust is available either from the Ashlea Surgery (on a table at the back) or online <>

Posted in Meetings Agenda.