AGENDA for Monday, 5th February 2018

NB:  All dates and email addresses will be put into either the Minutes or the relevant Report and will be found on the website.

A.  Apologies for absence: Susan Leveritt (Secretary), Joe Crome, Rosemary Dickson

B. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th January.

C. Matters arising from them.

D. Chairman’s report:

1. The Royal Oak

2. Parking at Wesley House

3. Parking with London as a contrast

4. Urban Tree Policy and a problem

5. Planning Enforcement

6. Transform and the Swan Centre

18. (From Mr. Russell) Public request for a permanent Police Presence in Leatherhead

Other Reports:

E.  Environment

7. Surrey Countryside and Partnerships

8. CPRE 50p bags + Green Peace

12. Waste Disposal  (Randalls Road and fires)

16. Next Litter pick

F. Planning

13 Invitation to Community- led Housing Event

17. Other items from the Applications list

G. Highways: 9. Various problems with the buses

H. Water:  15.  Roy Allen will give the latest about the Elmer plant

I. AOB:   These people have asked me to advertise:

10. The Theatre’s new venture

11. Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group would like your views via an online questionnaire.

14. “Silent Cinema” – Tony Wynn would like your opinion

Our March meeting will be a closed one for the Board only.   The AGM this year will be in June so that our new CEO can come and meet us.    There will be a normal meeting in April, but none in May.


Posted in Meetings Agenda.